Whatever students' prior experiences before entering higher education, it is vital to ensure that they are given opportunities to feel well-prepared for university life.
Pearson's new Online Learning Units (OLU) provide opportunities for students to build their personal and academic skills and confidence, with the aim of supporting stronger engagement, higher retention and more successful outcomes.
The Wellbeing unit explores key themes such as resilience, adaptability, stress-management, self-awareness and physical wellbeing, grounding it in a student's world to help them manage their mental and physical wellbeing while navigating the complexities of studying in Higher Education during the pandemic and beyond.
The lead contributor is Emma-Sue Prince, a qualified teacher and management development trainer, author and business consultant, and content has been peer-reviewed by practitioners, academics and students to ensure it is of the highest quality.
To help students develop their confidence in a core range of valuable skills, Pearson are offering FREE ACCESS to the Wellbeing unit.
Simply click on the source link below:
Pearsons HE Services
Pearsons Wellbeing Online Learning Unit
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