One of the choices you will be presented with is about the type of bank account(s) to use while studying and if you should use an overdraft. Here we will look at the pros and cons of using an overdraft and what it will mean to you.
Before we start to look at actually using your overdraft, have you given any thought to what exactly an overdraft is, and if you really have to have or use one? In short, the answer is no. You are obviously not obliged to have or use an overdraft as it is a debt. However, if you talk to students in their second or third year of study, most if not all, will say they have relied on their overdrafts at certain times of the year.
All student bank accounts come with an interest free overdraft. This is when the bank lets you use some of their money while you are studying and doesn't charge you interest for using this money. They will set you a 'limit' and this is the amount you can use before being charged interest. Once you go into your overdraft (so have less than zero in your account) it will show on your account as a negative balance with a minus sign in front of the figure. This can be a bit confusing, especially when you look at your balance on your banking app if you use one. It is worth noting that the bank is not giving you this money, it is in fact a loan that they will want you to repay after you finish your course.
Pros of an interest free overdraft: -
Cons of an interest free overdraft: -
Most students will need to use some of this overdraft during their studies. If you are planning to get a job over the summer, you can possibly repay some or all the overdraft and then you can use it again in the next academic year.
After your course ends, your bank will continue to offer you the interest free overdraft for a certain length of time (normally about a year but each bank is different so check your terms). They will then convert your student account into a graduate account. This is when they will change your remaining overdraft into a loan, and you will start to pay interest on any money you still owe. Ideally try to repay the overdraft during this interest free period if you can. You can also look around for a better deal and switch graduate accounts.
Free and helpful guides including one on overdrafts
Money management - a range of money topics including overdrafts
Student budgeting tool and information about overdrafts and bank accounts
For more information and support on this topic from the University of Greenwich - please click here