Bright Network supports students and graduates with the insights, advice and opportunities they need to succeed. It runs events with industry-leading employers and brings its members tailored job recommendations and expert support, all for free.
Job applications are all about representing yourself - and making a good impression - as quickly and concisely as possible. Most CVs, applications and cover letters get a quick skim-read from hiring managers. So how do you make yourself stand out?
The assessment centre is usually one of the last steps in a job application process, but also one of the most difficult. Our members often say it's the part they find most challenging - but also the most enjoyable.
If the thought of an assessment centre fills you with dread, don't worry. Bright Network has you covered with assessment centre advice and insights, from what employers are looking for to how to demonstrate your commercial awareness.
An assessment centre is a popular evaluation method used as part of the recruitment process for a graduate scheme or programme.
Its purpose is for employers to analyse potential candidates in a real-world environment. You won't just be talking about your skills, you'll be demonstrating them in real scenarios.
Unlike a traditional interview, an assessment centre uses a range of activities to compare a group of candidates. These can include presentations, role-playing, case studies or psychometric tests.
Assessment centres are an opportunity to show off your skills in action and demonstrate key values that the employer may be looking for.
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Bright Network
Bright advice for acing your assessment centre
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