Online meetings can save you time and avoid travel issues. They can bring people together, wherever they are on campus or in the world. More and more in-person meetings are being moved to an online platform. Many academic and job interviews are also moving to the virtual world, so it is important to know how best to use these platforms, and how to be professional and make the best possible first and continuing impressions.
When you set up your software, the most important thing is that you use the same remote meeting software as the other people in the meeting, and that you have it all set up nicely in advance so there are no unwanted surprises.
Check your camera and sound works, check your camera's angle, check your room is tidy, check you're looking smart and presentable.
Pre-video checklist:
A few tips for during any meeting:
And always, remember your manners:
Google Hangouts
Microsoft Teams
Zoom Meeting
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