Completely updated for current HD, UHD, 2K, and 4K workflows, Avid Editing blends the art and aesthetics of motion picture editing with technical, hands-on instruction. Appropriate for beginners and intermediate users who need to refresh their knowledge of essential post-production techniques, this fully revamped and full-color sixth edition is also an excellent tool for editors coming to Avid from other non-linear editing platforms. Topics covered include trimming, audio, effects, titles, color correction, customization, inputting, and outputting. A robust accompanying online eResource features professionally shot footage and Avid project files, allowing readers to work alongside the lessons taught in the book.
The new edition covers:
Avid Media Composer licensing choices
Changes to the Avid user interface
Basic and advanced visual effects
Mastering Avid's audio tools
Exploring Avid's Title Tool and NewBlue Titler Pro
Understanding double-system sound techniques
Syncing picture and sound files
Understanding and applying LUTs
The latest HD, UHD, 2K, and 4K Workflows
Chapter 1: Getting Started, Chapter 2: Basic Editing, Chapter 3: Trimming, Chapter 4: Using the Smart Tool, Chapter 5: A Few Editing Tips, Chapter 6: Customization and Organization, Chapter 7: Sound, Chapter 8: Effects, Chapter 9: Titles, Chapter 10: Keeping in Sync, Chapter 11: Power User Tips: Editing and Effects, Chapter 12: The Double System Sound Workflow, Chapter 13: Color Correction, Chapter 14: Inputting Media, Chapter 15: Working in HD, 2K and 4K, Chapter 16: Outputting Your Sequence, Chapter 17: Managing Media and Project Data, Chapter 18: Today's Editing Landscape, Chapter 19: Present and Future