Explorative, responsive and research-led, this ground-breaking textbook offers students invaluable insights into the passage of human development from birth to adulthood. Understanding Developmental Psychology engages students from the outset with its conversational style, taking them on a fascinating journey through their own physical, cognitive, social and emotional development.
With a focus on developing critical thinking skills, the book encourages students to engage with cutting-edge research in areas such as replication, gender fluidity, the ageing global population, the implications of social media and recent breakthroughs in neurodevelopment. This textbook not only covers the foundations of developmental psychology but also offers a, fresh perspective on the latest developments in the field.
This comprehensive introduction is ideal for both undergraduate and postgraduate students taking courses in developmental psychology. Critical and accessible, the book connects students to the field of developmental psychology in an accessible and culturally inclusive way.
Studying Human Development
PART I: The Beginning of Life
Bodies and Brains
Infant Minds: Perception, Inference and Understanding in the First 18 Months
Growing Emotions: Social and Personal Development in the First 18 Months
PART II: Cognitive Development from Infancy to Adulthood
Reasoning and Conceptual Understanding
Memory, Problem Solving and Mechanisms of Cognitive Development
Individual Differences in Cognition
PART III: Social and Emotional Development from Infancy to Adulthood
Understanding Other People
Personality and Identity
Social Relationships
Moral Development: Prosocial and Antisocial Behaviour
PART IV: Toward a new view of development
Some Final Comments.