This market-leading textbook covers the essential topics of the public law module in an insightful and interesting way. The book guides students through key themes which help them to understand how the many strands of public law are interlinked.
The authors have a real flair for capturing both the vibrant nature of public law in practice and the key contemporary debates in the field. They use practical examples to bring this subject to life and include expert commentaries on each chapter to allow students to see academic debate first-hand.
Digital formats and resources
This fourth edition is supported by online resources and is available for students or institutions to purchase in a variety of digital formats.
- The ebook is enhanced with embedded self-assessment activities, and multi-media content including author videos, to offer a fully immersive experience and extra learning support.
- These study tools that enhance the ebook, along with updates, directed web links for further research, and diagrams from the book, are available as stand-alone online resources for use alongside the print book.
Part I: Introduction to Public Law
1: Public law: an introduction
2: Constitutions and constitutional law
3: Themes, sources, and principles
Part II: The Constitution - Institutions and Principles
4: Separation of powers - an introduction
5: UK central government
6: The UK Parliament
7: The judiciary
8: Devolution and the territorial constitution
9: The European Union and Brexit
Part III: Good Governance - Scrutiny, Accountability, and Transparency
10: Good governance: an introduction
11: Parliamentary scrutiny of central government
Part IV: Judicial Review
12: Judicial review - an introduction
13: The grounds of judicial review
14: Judicial review - scope, procedures, and remedies
15: The effectiveness and impact of judicial review
Part V: Administrative Justice
16: Ombudsmen and complaints
17: Tribunals
18: Inquiries
Part VI: Human Rights
19: Human rights and the UK constitution
20: Freedom of expression
21: Freedom of assembly
22: Policing - powers, accountability, and governance