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Family Law (PDF eBook) 12th Revised edition

eBook by Hodgson, Roiya

Family Law (PDF eBook)


Publication Date:
19 Dec 2020
12th Revised edition
Oxford University Press
OUP Oxford
480 pages
For delivery:
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Family Law (PDF eBook)


Family Law takes a practical approach to family law and procedure, supporting students with a range of learning features such as self-test questions, chapter summaries, and diagrams. Case studies and examples are included throughout to show the practical applications of the law and are accompanied by worked sample documents. Digital formats and resources: The twelfth edition is available for students and institutions to purchase in a variety of formats, and is supported by online resources. The e-book offers a mobile experience and convenient access along with functionality tools, navigation features, and links that offer extra learning support: Anyone in possession of the print copy of Family Law can choose to access the content digitally on Law Trove, to enable a more flexible learning experience - redeem your 12 months' access to Law Trove by 31 December 2023 The text is supported by online resources including further detail and sample documents to support the case studies, author podcasts, MCQs with feedback, answers to self-test questions and useful weblinks


Part 1. Introduction 1: Family law practice and the first interview 2: Funding 3: Alternative dispute resolution in family law 4: The Single Family Court Part 2. Relationship Breakdown 5: Separation and nullity 6: Divorce 7: Defences to divorce and dissolution 8: Jurisdiction 9: Procedure for a matrimonial order 10: Civil Partnership Act 2004 Part 3. Money and Property 11: Financial orders following divorce or dissolution 12: Financial orders 13: Pre-marital agreements 14: Procedure for financial orders 15: Variation, collection, and enforcement of financial orders 16: Protecting assets and the family home in financial order proceedings 17: Separation and maintenance agreements 18: Child support 19: Pensions in financial proceedings 20: Taxation in family law 21: Welfare benefits Part 4. Cohabitation 22: Cohabitation 23: Cohabitation and finance Part 5. Children 24: Introduction to the Children Act 1989 25: Parental responsibility 26: Private children law 27: Private children law procedure 28: Child abduction 29: Children in local authority care 30: Emergency protection of children 31: Public children procedure 32: Child protection conferences Part 6. Domestic Abuse 33: Protection under the Family Law Act 1996: non-molestation orders 34: Protection under the Family Law Act 1996: occupation orders 35: Protection under the Family Law Act 1996: emergency protection and enforcement 36: Protection under the Family Law Act 1996: procedure 37: Protection from harassment

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University of Greenwich