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Having a Part Time Job

Having a Part Time Job

Part Time Job? Work + Uni + Life = Balance

Being a full-time student can be tough if you don't have any income coming in and can't depend on your parents financially due to a number of different reasons.

So, is it achievable to have a part time job alongside your studies? Unfortunately, the answer isn't a simple yes or no, it's down to you as an individual and the type of course you are doing.

It's All About Balance...

Balance is key when it comes to studying full time and holding down a part time job. As I was studying journalism, I was able to work 10 hours a week in retail which provided me with some money each month. But as I was living at home, I was also able to save some of this.

While assignments will take up a lot of your time, it's also important to make sure you can have a social life with family and friends. So, if that means only working a few hours a week then so be it, at least you will be able to go out with some guaranteed income.

This may be difficult with some degrees though such as paramedic science or nursing, as you will have to do a certain number of hours in a placement. If this is the case, and you still want to earn some money, zero-hour contracts may come in handy. This way you can choose shifts as and when your schedule allows you to.

Time to Chill...

While it's great to earn some money, study and be able to go out with your friends it is also important that you allow yourself some you time.

Whether this is catching up on a boxset, reading, listening to music, or just having a nap, always remember you have to listen to your body and look after number one.

By Elise Middleton - Studied Journalism at the University of Worcester 2019-2022

University of Greenwich